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The qualification is designed to provide qualified coaches with an introduction to the processes and principles of supporting child development through multi-skills. This will include understanding how to support child development through multi-skills via the practical coaching of linked and progressive multi-skills sessions


  • To create game-like training sessions that encourage players’ ownership (decision-making)
  • To create a game day environment that encourages players’ ownership (decision-making)

Outcome – This qualification is designed to prepare learners for deployment as independent coaches of multi-skills and physical activity and will introduce learners to the principles of coaching fundamental movement skills and sport-specific skills.

Learners achieving this qualification will:

  • Become qualified to support children’s successful participation in sport
  • Learn how to design, deliver and evaluate a linked and progressive series of multi-skills activity sessions
  • Make a positive impact on the children they’re working with by developing their movement confidence and sport-related skills
  • Help children master the fundamentals of movement in a fun, imaginative and progressive way
  • Make sport more enjoyable for children and young people…and much more!


Prior to registration learners are required to:

  • Be at least 17 years of age
  • Hold or be working towards a minimum of a recognised Level 2 sports-specific coaching qualification or equivalent (evidence of this must be provided prior to the start of the course)
  • Supply some form of ID
  • Be able to communicate effectively in English (this includes listening, speaking, reading and writing).

Who is this course for?

The award attracts existing coaches, teachers, teaching assistants and volunteers in sports.

The qualification is designed for those who wish to deliver multi-skills as an independent coach from the age of 18 (the learner would require support prior to turning 18) and wish to take responsibility for the ongoing development of participants at a variety of ages in this area.

Admission Criteria

  • Actively Coaching

Learning Environment

A Level 2 multi-skills coach will be able to apply this knowledge to plan, deliver and review sessions purely linked to the development of fundamental movement skills or sport-specific skills. This qualification is usually a key requirement to be able to coach multi-skills in a school environment.

Learning Objectives

  • The Role and Responsibilities of the Coach
  • Duty of Care
  • Development Models
  • Coaching Styles and Participant Development
  • Principles of Coaching Multi-Skills
  • Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS)
  • Sport-Specific Skills (SSS)
  • Inclusive coaching practice
  • Deliver and Evaluate a Series of Linked and Progressive Multi-Skills Coaching Sessions
  • Plan a Series of Linked and Progressive Multi-Skills Coaching Sessions
  • Practical Demonstration of Coaching

Assessment Criteria

Learners are required to complete a series of tasks contained within the learner portfolio. They are also required to plan, deliver and evaluate a series of coaching sessions (minimum of four) away from the course, ahead of the final day of the course. The final day of the course involves an assessment of coaching practice for a minimum of twenty minutes.

Course Experience

Our open courses are delivered through four face-to-face delivery days. Learners will be required to:

  • Phase 1: Complete a series of tasks within their 1st4Sport qualification portfolio
  • Phase 2: Deliver 1 x 20-minute physical activity /sports session on day 4 of the course with the support of the Coach Developer (Tutor)

Registration is valid for a 1-year period. Therefore, learners could complete phase 1 initially and then progress onto phase 2 when appropriate. Re-assessment fees would be applicable if learners were deemed not yet competent in phase 2.


Would you like further information?

The course can be delivered to specific groups such as schools, colleges etc. We are also able to deliver this course in face-to-face and blended learning formats.

 For specific questions, please email us at