
CX24 Coaches Conference @ Stoneham Lane Football Complex

On Sunday 2nd 2024, over 100 coaches from all levels of the game attended CX24 in sunny Hampshire on the south coast. The day was filled with a blend of practical sessions from coaches in the industry from professional football and environments and The FA. On the day we had the likes of Sinead Hogan-Belcher (WSL), Paul Holder (The FA), Josh Smith (Arsenal), Tom Charles (QPR), Rob Shay (Reading FC), Tom Donati (Exeter City), Peter Augustine (The FA). Also we had sessions delivered by CX team in Richard Horner (CX Lead Tutor & Watford) and Carlan Edgar (CX Tutor & Watford). The day allowed coaches not only to observe sessions, have a Q&A with the deliverers but more importantly an opportunity to network and share ideas. Details for CX25 will be out later this year with two conferences planned again

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